Top safety accreditation for KOHLER Uninterruptible Power

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KOHLER Uninterruptible Power (KUP) is one of the latest group of successful companies to join a leading edge scheme, designed to help industry improve its safety record.

The Aldermaston-based firm recently received accreditation from SAFEcontractor, a programme which recognises very high standards of health and safety practise amongst UK contractors.

The company’s application for SAFEcontractor accreditation was driven by the need for a uniform standard across the business.

SAFE contractor accreditation is expected to enhance the company’s ability to attract new contracts and its commitment to safety will be viewed positively by its insurers when the company liability policy is up for renewal.

SAFEcontractor is applicable to most sectors although it is particularly relevant to food manufacture, property, facilities management, retail and leisure sectors, all of which are big users of contract services.

John Kinge, Head of Risk at SAFEcontractor said, “Major organisations can no longer run the risk of employing contractors who are not able to prove that they have sound health and safety policies”.

“More companies need to understand the importance of adopting good risk management in the way that KOHLER Uninterruptible Power has done. The firm’s high standard has set an example, which hopefully will be followed by other companies within the sector”.

Under the SAFEcontractor system, businesses undergo a vetting process, which examines health and safety procedures and their track record for safe practice. Those companies meeting the high standard are included on a database, which is accessible to registered users only via a website,

Employer-organisations who sign up to the scheme can access the database, enabling them to vet potential contractors before they even set foot on site. These employers agree that, as users of the scheme, they will engage only those who have received accreditation.

Over one hundred and fifty major nation-wide businesses, from several key sectors, have signed up to use the scheme when selecting contractors for services such as building, cleaning, maintenance, refurbishment or electrical and mechanical work.

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For further information contact:
John Bladon, Operations Director, KOHLER Uninterruptible Power
Tel: 0118 9815151

Note to editors:
SAFEcontractor is a third party accreditation scheme that assesses health and safety arrangements. Many major clients recognise the scheme and accept the SAFEcontractor certificate as confirmation of competency. You only need to be assessed once and not by every client and prospect.

For further information about the SAFEcontractor Scheme, contact:
Tammy Meredith
[email protected]
029 2026 6750

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